Search for a Professional Wetland Scientist |
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The Society of Wetland Scientists Professional Certification Program (SWSPCP) has certified the Individuals listed herein as either Wetland Professional In Training (WPIT) or Professional Wetland Scientist (PWS). This Certification process is based on the individuals providing documentation demonstrating that they have met specific minimum academic, continuing education, and experience criteria that have been reviewed and accepted by the Professional Certification Program Certification Review Panel. The area(s) of professional expertise listed by each individual are presented as their own assessment of their experience and competence to engage in that particular area of professional endeavor. While the SWSPCP cannot substantiate or certify each area of professional competence claimed, the persons making these assertions have agreed to adhere to a code of Professional Ethics and Behavior upon acceptance of their PWS/WPIT professional certification. This listing is not intended to diminish or replace specific Certifications offered by other Programs or Governmental bodies (e.g. Wetland Delineation Certifications issued by individual States, Provinces, etc.).
PWS/WPIT professional certification does not constitute an "endorsement" by SWSPCP of any individual or his or her professional services or practices, and certification should not be referenced in any way which would imply such endorsement. SWSPCP assumes no responsibility or liability, makes no guarantee, representation or warranty, express or implied, and expressly disclaims any and all such guarantees, representations or warranties whatsoever, in connection with (i) the validity, accuracy or sufficiency of the information provided by individuals in support of their certification, and (ii) the provision of services by any certified individual.