The Companies/Individuals listed here have submitted one or more courses that have been pre-approved for training credits and/or points by the SWSPCP.
These companies are authorized to designate/advertise the pre-approved course(s) they offer.
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SWS Webinars are hosted on the SWS YouTube Channel. Click to watch them. However, the SWS webinars (that are not the quarterly free webinars) are not posted to the YouTube Channel until they are at least 3 months old. For any inquiries, please contact the SWS office via email: |
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Title: | | Blue Carbon: Science and Application for Adding Value to Estuary Restoration -- More Info |
Title: | | The enigmatic Okavango Delta: A large wetland in a dryland -- More Info |
Title: | | Livestock grazing affects microbial activity at different soil depths via the groundwater level with potential implications for carbon sequestration -- More Info |
Title: | | Peatlands, Parks, and Playas: a Tour of Colorado's Diverse Wetlands -- More Info |
Title: | | Climate Change and Coastal Wetlands: Planning for Resiliency in the Face of a Rising Tide -- More Info |
Title: | | Practical Restoration Design, Implementation, and Management for Coastal and Inland Wetlands – Three Case Studies -- More Info |
Title: | | Examining interactions among vegetation and water quality in conservation wetlands of the Mississippi Alluvial Valley -- More Info |
Title: | | The Ramsar Convention and the Society of Wetland Scientists -- More Info |
Title: | | Wetlands of the coast of Lima: patterns of diversity and challenges for conservation -- More Info |
Title: | | Potential climate change impacts on native seeds relative to Phragmites -- More Info |
Title: | | Enhanced Mapping Tools to Protect and Restore Vermont's Wetlands -- More Info |
Title: | | Introduction to the historical and morphological changes (1800 to present) along the Caribbean and Pacific coasts of Colombia -- More Info |
Title: | | Influence of the Pulses in the Organization of the Vegetation of the Parana River, Downstream from Its Confluence with Paraguay -- More Info |
Title: | | Valley-bottom palmiet wetlands: the mysterious peatlands at the tip of southern Africa -- More Info |
Title: | | Fluvial paradigms: between myths and realities at the confluence of the Paraná and Paraguay Rivers -- More Info |
Title: | | Wetlands in a Changing Climate: Science, Policy and Management -- More Info |
Title: | | Evaluation of soil respiration rates across a range of well-pad peatland restoration treatments in the Alberta oil sands region -- More Info |
Title: | | The Good, the Bad, the Peatland: Sharing knowledge to better restore wetlands -- More Info |
Title: | | How to make better constructed wetlands -- More Info |
Title: | | Restoring Lake Apopka – Water Quality, Wetlands, Water, and Wildlife -- More Info |
Title: | | Scientists' Second Warning to Humanity and a Declaration on the Rights of Wetlands -- More Info |
Title: | | Preliminary study: Ecological and Economic Assessment of the Villa María Wetland, Chimbote - Peru. -- More Info |
Title: | | Ecosystem services in the wetlands of the central coast of Peru: advances and future prospects -- More Info |
Title: | | Toxic Pollution in Wetlands and Remediation Actions -- More Info |
Title: | | Coastal wetlands and climate change, SWS Webinar scheduled November 21, 2019 -- More Info |
Title: | | Withering Wetlands - Global Trends in Wetland Loss and Degradation: Why, and what can be done about it? -- More Info |
Title: | | Women Leaders in Wetland Science -- More Info |
Title: | | Wanted - Invasive Plants - Dead or Alive -- More Info |
Title: | | Convergence of Wetland Science and Technology -- More Info |
Title: | | Before the Ghosts Appear: Identifying the Effects of Chronic Saltwater Intrusion on Coastal Floodplain Swamps Using Remote Sensing -- More Info |
Title: | | Roadside Right-of-Way Wetlands Resulting from Road Construction and Mowing -- More Info |
Title: | | Can biochar increase carbon sequestration in wetland restoration projects? -- More Info |
Title: | | Restoring Native Clam Communities for Improved Water Quality in the Indian River Lagoon -- More Info |
Title: | | Urban Wetlands and Water Management -- More Info |
Title: | | Aquatic Birds Monitoring, Wetland Conservation, and Citizen Science in Chile -- More Info |
Title: | | Resurrecting ghost ponds and other approaches in pond restoration and conservation -- More Info |
Title: | | Role of inland saline wetland ecosystems in the face of climate change -- More Info |
Title: | | Urban Wetlands, an opportunity to make sustainable cities -- More Info |
Title: | | Assessing Vegetative Species Re-colonization of Commercial Cranberry Bogs -- More Info |
Title: | | Pantanal a heated dialogue. What is next after major fires have taken more than 30% of the wetland -- More Info |
Title: | | The history of biodiversity in Mexico's Cuatro Ciénegas wetlands, and its significance to the future of humanity. -- More Info |
Title: | | Urban wetland initiatives--Increasing resiliency of New York City salt marshes -- More Info |
Title: | | Assessing Functions of Missouri’s Bottomlands: Laying the Groundwork for Wetland Conservation -- More Info |
Title: | | Restoring Riverby Ranch for Bois d’Arc Lake: A Watershed Scale Ecological Restoration Project -- More Info |
Title: | | Small herbivores interacting with macrophytes in subtropical wetlands -- More Info |
Title: | | Application of floating treatment wetlands in Pakistan for wastewater treatment -- More Info |
Title: | | Integrating wetlands into holistic nature-based planning projects -- More Info |
Title: | | Climate-resilient environmental flows: Theory, practice & outlook on a changing climate in Mexico -- More Info |
Title: | | Ecology and Conservation of Crawfish Frogs in Remnant Wet Prairies of Northwest Arkansas -- More Info |
Title: | | Hydroecological monitoring of high elevation wetlands in Bolivia -- More Info |
Title: | | Peatland Mapping from boreal to tropical zone in Americas -- More Info |
Title: | | Buying time — Salt marsh adaptive management to sea level rise using runnels -- More Info |
Title: | | Wetlands Ecology & Ecological Engineering at UF 40-yrs of the co-evolution of science & regulation -- More Info |
Title: | | Peatland Mapping from boreal to tropical zone in Americas -- More Info |
Title: | | Wetland identification in ecologically challenging and high-stakes interface environments -- More Info |
Title: | | Restoring Coastal Plain streams functional uplift through baseflow channel and valley restoration -- More Info |
Title: | | USACE Jurisdictional Determination Requests and Waters of the U.S. Definition -- More Info |
Title: | | Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta hydro-sedimentological model, a tool for recovery and management -- More Info |
Title: | | The use of constructed wetlands for treatment of agricultural drainage waters in the Czech Republic -- More Info |
Title: | | The role of wetlands and wet meadows in the Conservation of the American Burying beetle in Nebraska -- More Info |
Title: | | Karst Wetlands in the Yucatan Peninsula -- More Info |
Title: | | HumMentor 2022 Wetlands Perspectives -- More Info |
Title: | | Urban wetland management in Cameroon, challenges, and prospects -- More Info |
Title: | | Identifying Hydric Soils workshop -- More Info |
Title: | | Wetland Mapping and Emerging Technology -- More Info |
Title: | | Hands-on Wetlands Education with WOW! The Wonders of Wetlands Educators Guide -- More Info |
Title: | | Wetland water quality: Relationship with watershed land cover/ land-use, soils, and water inputs. -- More Info |
Title: | | Coral Reef biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: studies for its conservation -- More Info |
Title: | | An Overview of the History and Breadth of Wetland Management Practices -- More Info |
Title: | | Atlas of Bofedales of the Southern Tropical Andes -- More Info |
Title: | | Too much salt and not enough water - how drought is pushing Great Salt Lake to the brink -- More Info |
Title: | | The ecology of Laguna Madre, a global treasure deep in the heart of Texas -- More Info |
Title: | | The Central American Waterbird Census: the first ten years 2011–2020 -- More Info |
Title: | | Unexpected Results in Adaptive Management -- More Info |
Title: | | Automated Data Sheets for Wetland Delineation -- More Info |
Title: | | When Times Get Tough Remember The Sea Turtles! -- More Info |
Title: | | Revised Definition of "Waters of the US" -- More Info |
Title: | | Sackett v. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Implications for WOTUS and the Clean Water Act -- More Info |
Title: | | Development and Implementation of an Agricultural Wetlands Mitigation Bank -- More Info |
Title: | | A Broad Scale 2,500 Acre Wetland Habitat Restoration Project in South Florida -- More Info |
Title: | | Conservation Planning in Municipalities: Case Studies of Urban Wetlands & Waterways -- More Info |
Title: | | Wetland Mitigation and the Art of Creating a Water Budget -- More Info |
Title: | | Latest Trends in Wetland Mitigation Banking -- More Info |
Title: | | Influence of the Edge Slope of a Wetland on Waterbirds in the Bogota Savannah -- More Info |
Title: | | Ramsar Convention Implementation in Coastal Wetlands of the Caribbean -- More Info |
Title: | | Wetlands bioremediation of emerging contaminants -- More Info |
Title: | | Sinking In: Culture and Disruption -- More Info |
Title: | | Coastal Wetland Coverage Classification Criteria in Mexico -- More Info |
Title: | | Connectivity and Water Quality in the Afchafalaya Basin -- More Info |
Title: | | Ecology and Response of Sphagnum-Dominated Peatlands in Western Washington to Landscape Stressors -- More Info |
Title: | | An Integrated Framework for Evaluating Wetland and Stream Compensatory Mitigation -- More Info |
Title: | | Vanishing Ice: Wetland Rehabilitation for Infrastructure Installations in Permafrost -- More Info |
Title: | | Wetlands of Nebraska Outreach and Education Project: Accomplishments and Transferability -- More Info |
Title: | | Constructed Wetlands as Sustainable Solution for Acid Mine Drainage Treatment -- More Info |
Title: | | A Legal Approach to Design a Strategy for the Improved Management of Wetlands in South Africa -- More Info |
Title: | | Prioritizing Floodplain Reconnection to Improve Ecohydrological River Corridor Function -- More Info |
Title: | | Pre-Production Plastics Remediation and Restoration in the Riparian Zone -- More Info |
Title: | | Environmental Governance and Ecological Risks of the Wetlands in the Bogota Plateau, Columbia -- More Info |
SWS Webinars are archived on YouTube: Click to watch them. |
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Title: | | Florida Local Environmental Resource Agencies (FLERA) Wetlands Workshop -- More Info |
Contact: | | Kim Tapley |
Address: | | 3629 Queen Palm Drive, Tampa, FL |
Phone: | | (813) 627-2600 x)1359 |
URL: | | |
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Title: | | Wetland Delineation Short Course More Info |
Title: | | Wetland Delineation and Regional Supplement Training -- More Info |
Contact: | | Philip J. Quarterman, PWS |
Address: | | 9755 SW Barnes Road, Suite 300 Portland, OR 97225 |
Phone: | | (503) 372-3562 - Mobile: (503) 358-3673 |
Fax: | | (503) 526-0775 |
URL: | | |
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Title: | | Wetland Delineation & Regional Supplement Training |
Contact: | | Marc Seelinger |
Address: | | 621 Starburst Lane, Raleigh, NC 27603 |
Phone: | | (877) 479-2673 |
URL: | | |
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Title: | | Plant ID: Wetlands & Their Borders -- More Info |
Title: | | Basic Wetland Delineator Training -- More Info |
Contact: | | Barbara Tiner |
Address: | | PO Box 612, Leverett, MA 01054 |
Phone: | | 413-441-3708 |
Email: | | |
URL: | | |
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Title: | | Virtual Hydric Soils Training -- More Info |
Title: | | Hydric Soils Training -- More Info |
Title: | | Advanced Hydric Soils -- More Info |
Title: | | Hydric Soils Short Course -- More Info |
Title: | | Hydric Soils 2-Day Course -- More Info |
Contact: | | Travis C Richardson |
Address: | | 9158 NE 76th Ct, Gainsville, FL 32609 |
Phone: | | 386-937-1283 |
Email: | | |
URL: | | |
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Title: | | Wetland Delineation & Corps Permitting Training -- More Info |
Title: | | Problem Soils -- More Info |
Contact: | | Scott Jecker |
Address: | | 3413 Hunter Road, San Marcos, TX 78132 |
Phone: | | 512-353-3344 |
Email: | | |
URL: | | |
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Title: | | Monitoring and Assessment of Wetland and Riparian Ecosystems |
Title: | | Wetland Regulations: Understanding Federal, State, and Local Regulations and the Permitting Process in Montana -- More Info |
Contact: | | Stephanie McGinnis Education Outreach Coordinator |
Address: | | 335 Culbertson Hall, Bozeman, MT 59717 |
Phone: | | (406) 994-6671 |
Fax: | | (406) 994-6660 |
Email: | | |
URL: | | |
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Title: | | Southern Vegetation Identification for Wetland Delineation |
Title: | | Vegetation Identification for Wetland Delineation |
Title: | | Introduction to Wetland Identification |
Title: | | Methodology for Delineating Wetlands |
Title: | | Wetland Construction Design -- More Info |
Title: | | Hydric Soils -- More Info |
Contact: | | Suzanne Hills |
Address: | | 102 Ryders Lane, New Brunswick, NJ 0890 |
Phone: | | 848-932-7234 |
Email: | | |
URL: | | |
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Title: | | ACOE Wetland Delineation, Waters of the US and Regional Supplement Training -- More Info |
Title: | | Wetland Permitting Training -- More Info |
Title: | | Regional Supplement Wetland Delineation Training -- More Info |
Title: | | Virtual ACOE Wetland Delineation, Waters of the US and Regional Supplement Training -- More Info |
Contact: | | Richard Chinn, PWS |
Address: | | 804 Cottage Hill Way, Brandon, FL 33511 |
Phone: | | 813.655.7549 |
Email: | | |
URL: | | |
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Title: | | Identification of Wetland and Adjacent Upland Plants of the Midwest -- More Info |
Contact: | | Orbis Environmental Consulting |
Address: | | PO Box 10235, South Bend, IN |
Phone: | | 423-303-9079 |
Email: | | |
URL: | | |
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Title: | | Wetland Delineation Workshop -- More Info |
Title: | | Grass, Sedge and Rush Identification Workshop -- More Info |
Contact: | | Southeastern Botany, LLC |
Address: | | 310 N. Excelda Ave, Tampa, FL |
Phone: | | 727-776-7734 |
Email: | | |
URL: | | |
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Title: | | Wetland Delineation -- More Info |
Title: | | Ohio Rapid Assessment Method for Wetlands (ORAM) -- More Info |
Title: | | Vegetation Index of Biotic Integrity (VIBI) -- More Info |
Title: | | Identification of Common Wetland Plants -- More Info |
Title: | | Primary Headwater Habitat (PHWH) -- More Info |
Title: | | Wetland Botany -- More Info |
Title: | | Ohio Amphibians -- More Info |
Title: | | Introduction to Wetlands -- More Info |
Contact: | | Mick Micacchion |
Address: | | 4673 Northwest Parkway, Hilliard, OH 43026 |
Phone: | | 614-403-2085 |
Email: | | |
URL: | | |
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Title: | | Fundamental Hydric Soils -- More Info |
Contact: | | Mike Callahan |
Address: | | PO Box 612, Palmyra, PA 17078 |
Phone: | | 717-304-5218 |
Email: | | |
URL: | | |
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Contact: | | Shawn DeKeyser |
Address: | | 805 17th Ave W, West Fargo, ND 58078 |
Phone: | | 701-361-0950 |
Email: | | |
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Title: | | Gailey Environmental, LLC: 36-Hour Wetland Delineation Training -- More Info |
Contact: | | Adam Gailey |
Address: | | P.O. Box 32, Avella, PA 15312 |
Phone: | | 412-770-4698 |
Email: | | |